Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cornwall Regional Art Gallery Member's Show 2010...and some suggestions...nay...DEMANDS

Tonight at 7 P.M. there is a vernissage (opening) for the member's show for our local area art gallery.

I have photos hanging and there are works of all shapes and sizes for people to explore.
I may live in a small town...but the opportunities for artists are here.
For everyone.

I go on and on and on and on about getting your photographs off your computer and onto a wall...any wall...or into a book or even into photoalbums...but too just make them real.
So much so that two friends ( who also happen to be great photographers ) both mentioned this to me within the last week. 



(The options are endless)

And then?


In real life.


(yes, I am bossy, but it is for your own good and the enjoyment of those around you)

So,  how about I make this easy and share some of my foolproof links with you?

For developing, I use snapfish. If you share your photos on flickr, you need only to click on the "do more" section and snapfish is right there. They are fast, inexpensive, make great prints and posters and work very well with processed photos.

If you want great quality prints in different sizes ( like my beloved 12 x 12 ), then qoop is a fun spot - LOTS to do there. They are a bit more expensive and the shipping is a bitch, but the quality is worth it.

Books. I love photo books. You need to play with blurb. It is wonderful.

Oh! Visit canvaspop! In lieu of framing, this Ottawa company will print your photos on canvas in a myriad of ways. I just received some pieces from them and was impressed. I have had photos printed this way before...but not anywhere as nicely as this or with as personalized service...

But if you are framing?
Sorry every custom framer I have spoken to in the last few months...I just can't afford to do it any other way.

There. Now you have no excuses.

Let me know what you do.

And for my friends with Blurb books?? Add your links down below - I love new ideas!

And lastly,  a link to my little gallery...C.R.A.G.


Lauren said...

So wish I could make the show - but I will do as you have instructed and get some photos off my computer!!!

You are quite the inspiration A.

Christine said...

I totally agree! My camera to print lifecycle is pretty slow, but I do get it done eventually! I'm anxious to try out a blub book, I've been eyeing them for a while!