Friday, September 2, 2011

happy birthday to me

happy birthday to me, originally uploaded by Jhascrapmom.
i have a cake.
new boots.
a sister who is totally rocking chemo with her sense of humour and strength.
a new home.
kids who will hopefully not hate me soon for uprooting them.
and making them get up at 5:45 everyday to go to schools they are not convinced of yet.


going to be a good year:).

back to unpacking.

(for the record, my camera is perched precariously on a packing box full of toys. my good clothes are still missing. and i need a hose for my dryer in a bad way.)


Amadika said...

happy birthday ! are you gonna eat all that cake? :P

AntiJenX said...

happy birthday sweetness. <3

Anonymous said...

ummm...seeing as I have cancer and all...can I have your boots ...and your cake?? ;)

angela auclair said...


you like these boots?
i will get you a pair of these boots:)
cuz they are somewhat AWESOME:)

they will look nice with our sparkly stuff;)